西川貞三郎商店の創業者と先代が海外輸出のために製造した昭和初期の焼き物や珍しい製品が、倉庫から発見されました。「陶音 tone」としてオンラインショップでも少しづづご紹介させて頂きます。
We have added the products of “TONE“.
In our warehouse, we have discovered pottery and other rare products from the early Showa period that were manufactured by the founder and predecessor of T. Nishikawa & Co., Inc. for export to foreign countries. We will introduce them in our online store as “TONE”.
We hope you will take a look at the unique Nishikawa products that have been given a new lease of life.
Our online shop is now open.
We have started carrying one-of-a-kind Kintsugi products.
The Kintsugi process creates unique objects and breathes new life into our Kyoto Ware / Kiyomizu Ware.
We plan to continue to increase the number of original products available through our online shop and we hope that you enjoy our new product line.
* We do not accept overseas shipments. For customers ordering overseas shipping, please contact shop@t-nishikawa.co.jp directly in English.
平茶碗 黒金彩蒼釉 / Matcha Bowl
平茶碗 黒金彩蒼釉 抹茶を点て、いただくための大きめの器。四季を写し取る絵付けと釉薬による豊かな表情。 外は重々しく、内は蒼が鮮やかな釉の取り合わせが美しい茶碗です。主に夏用とされる平茶碗ですが、暑い日の岩場の清水のような清涼感をお楽しみください。 Matcha Bowl, Kurokinsai Aoyu Slightly larger bowls for making and drinking matcha, decorated with designs that reflect the richness of the four seasons and the expression of abundant glazes. This beautiful matcha bowl combines a dignified exterior with an interior coated with a bright blue glaze. Shallow bowls like this are generally used in summer and this bowl’s decoration evokes clear water running over rocks on a hot day. Ø140 H60mm / 350ml / 240g (ItemNo: M0027)
ぐい呑 渕花小紋 / Sake Cup
ぐい呑 渕花小紋 日本酒を飲むための小さな器。形や素材によって口当たりや味わいが異なるため、さまざなな種類を集めるのも愉しみのひとつです。 渕花小紋は、中でも緻密な色絵金彩が描かれた逸品。華やかな職人の手わざをお楽しみください。 ※ぐい呑は 煎茶碗 としてもお使いいただけます。 Sake Cup, Fuchi Hanakomon Containers for drinking Japanese sake. As the sake’s taste changes depending on the form and material of the vessel, one of the pleasures of these cups lies in collecting a wide variety. Fuchi hanakomon are exceptional works that feature elaborate gold painting even on their interior. We hope you enjoy this beautiful demonstration of the craftsman’s skill. *Sake Cups (Guinomi) may be used as sencha teacups. Ø65 H50mm / 100ml / 60g (ItemNo: T0999)
ぐい呑 金彩捻小紋 / Sake Cup
ぐい呑 金彩捻小紋 日本酒を飲むための小さな器。形や素材によって口当たりや味わいが異なるため、さまざなな種類を集めるのも愉しみのひとつです。 金彩捻小紋は、中でも緻密な色絵金彩が描かれた逸品。捻った枠の中に麻の葉文様、亀甲文様、よろけ縞などの吉祥文様を施した縁起の良い絵付けです。 ※ぐい呑は 煎茶碗 としてもお使いいただけます。 Sake Cup, Kinsai Nejirikomon Containers for drinking Japanese sake. As the sake’s taste changes depending on the form and material of the vessel, one of the pleasures of these cups lies in collecting a wide variety. This Kinsai Nejirikomon sake cup is a singularly beautiful object covered with elaborate gold painting on its exterior. It is decorated with auspicious patterns placed within tilted frames, including interlocking hexagons, a tortoise-shell pattern, wavy stripes, and other designs considered to bring good luck. ※Sake Cups (Guinomi) may be used as sencha teacups. Ø60 H50mm / 90ml / 80g (ItemNo: T09101)
鉄瓶急須 赤貞雲 渕花小紋 / CI Teapot
鉄瓶急須 赤貞雲 渕花小紋 世界中で人気の高い南部鉄器の急須に、精巧な装飾を施した清水焼の蓋を組み合わせました。異なる二つの伝統工芸品を京都の遊び心でアレンジした、西川貞三郎商店だけのコラボ商品です。 渕花小紋は、中でも緻密な色絵金彩が描かれた逸品。華やかな職人の手わざをお楽しみください。 *鉄瓶急須:内部はホーロー引き、ステンレス茶漉し付。!直火不可。 CI Teapot RD L w/ P Lid Fuchi Hanakomon These Nambu cast iron teapots, popular all over the world, have been ornamented with exquisite ceramic Kiyomizu Ware lids. These pots, which combine two traditional arts in the playful spirit of Kyoto, are an exclusive collaboration of the T. Nishikawa & Co., Inc. Fuchi hanakomon are exceptional works that feature elaborate gold painting even on their interior. We hope you enjoy this beautiful demonstration of the craftsman’s skill. *Cast iron teapot, w/ porcelain lid and stainless strainer. Inside enameled. Do not place over direct heat. W210 D180 H160mm / 900ml / 1,900g (ItemNo: T0184)
ぐい呑 金彩桜詰 / Sake Cup
ぐい呑 金彩桜詰 日本酒を飲むための小さな器。形や素材によって口当たりや味わいが異なるため、さまざなな種類を集めるのも愉しみのひとつです。 金彩桜詰は、白磁に金彩の桜描詰(かきづめ)を描いた、華やかさとともに職人の手わざを感じていただける逸品です。同じ絵付けの鉄瓶と合せてお楽しみください。 ※ぐい呑は 煎茶碗 としてもお使いいただけます。 Sake Cup, Gold Cherry Flower Containers for drinking Japanese sake. As the sake’s taste changes depending on the form and material of the vessel, one of the pleasures of these cups lies in collecting a wide variety. This gold cherry flower sake cup is made of white porcelain and completely covered with golden cherry flowers. It is a stunning piece in which the ample skill of the artisan can be readily felt. It is best appreciated together with a teapot decorated with the same pattern. ※Sake Cups (Guinomi) may be used as sencha teacups. Ø65 H50mm / 100ml / 60g (ItemNo: T0990)
鉄瓶急須 小・茶 金彩桜詰 / CI Teapot
鉄瓶急須 小・茶 金彩桜詰 世界中で人気の高い南部鉄器の急須に、精巧な装飾を施した清水焼の蓋を組み合わせました。異なる二つの伝統工芸品を京都の遊び心でアレンジした、西川貞三郎商店だけのコラボ商品です。 金彩桜詰は、白磁に金彩の桜描詰(かきづめ)を描いた、華やかさとともに職人の手わざを感じていただける逸品です。同じ絵付けのぐい呑と合せてお楽しみください。 *鉄瓶急須:内部はホーロー引き、ステンレス茶漉し付。!直火不可。 CI Teapot BR S w/P Lid, Gold Cherry Flower Gold Cherry Flower These Nambu cast iron teapots, popular all over the world, have been ornamented with exquisite ceramic Kiyomizu Ware lids. These pots, which combine two traditional arts in the playful spirit of Kyoto, are an exclusive collaboration of the T. Nishikawa & Co., Inc. *Cast iron teapot, w/ porcelain lid and stainless strainer. Inside enameled. Do not place over direct heat. W165 D140 H120mm / 410ml / 980g (ItemNo: T0166)
汲出し碗大 白菊刷毛目銀彩 / Teacup
汲出し碗 大 白菊刷毛目銀彩 来客用の小さな茶碗。飲み口が広く底の浅いのが 特徴で、茶の色をより楽しむことができます。 白菊刷毛目銀彩は、地に銀彩を刷毛目で入れ、その上で白と金を使って白菊を描いた絵付けです。菊は通年お使いいただける絵付けですが、秋にはより一層の風趣を感じていただけます。 Kumidashi Teacup L, Marguerite M.SV Teacups that are perfect for guests. The wide brim and the shallow bottom allow for a deeper appreciation of a tea’s color. This teacup features silver brush marks as a background with white chrysanthemums drawn on top in white and gold. The chrysanthemum is a pattern suitable for use throughout the year, but it feels the most elegant during the autumn. Ø95 H60mm / 200ml / 100g (ItemNo: K0339)
汲出し碗 金銀彩鶴 / Teacup
汲出し碗 金銀彩鶴 来客用の小さな茶碗。金彩と銀彩で松鶴を描いた風情のある土ものです。 Kumidashi, Teacup Crane This earthenware teacup is decorated with an elegant scene featuring pine trees and cranes painted in gold and silver. Small teacups that are perfect for guests. Ø67 H51mm / 160ml / 80g (ItemNo: M0371)
鉄瓶急須 金銀彩鶴 / CI Teapot
鉄瓶急須 金銀彩鶴 世界中で人気の高い南部鉄器の急須に、精巧な装飾を施した清水焼の蓋を組み合わせました。異なる二つの伝統工芸品を京都の遊び心でアレンジした、西川貞三郎商店だけのコラボ商品です。 金銀彩鶴は土ものの蓋に、金彩と銀彩で松鶴を描いた風情があります。同じ柄の汲出し碗と組み合わせてもお楽しみいただけます。 *鉄瓶急須:内部はホーロー引き、ステンレス茶漉し付。!直火不可。 ※この頁に掲載している鉄瓶急須には、鉄蓋が付いています。 CI Teapot w/ E & CI Lid Crane GD&SV These Nambu cast iron teapots, popular all over the world, have been ornamented with exquisite ceramic Kiyomizu Ware lids. These pots, which combine two traditional arts in the playful spirit of Kyoto, are an exclusive collaboration of the T. Nishikawa & Co., Inc. The earthenware lid on this teapot features pine trees and cranes painted in gold and silver. It is best appreciated when used with kumidashi teacups decorated with the same pattern. *Cast iron teapot, w/ porcelain lid and stainless strainer. Inside enameled. Do not place over direct heat. ※The cast iron teapots on this page come with both an earthen lid and a cast iron lid. W160 D155 H130mm / 510ml / 900g (ItemNo: M0135)
汲出し碗 金銀彩枝梅 / Teacup
汲出し碗 金銀彩枝梅 来客用の小さな茶碗。鉄絵で枝梅を描き、金彩と銀彩で加飾した土ものです。 Kumidashi Teacup Plum Small teacups that are perfect for guests. Plum branches have been painted on this earthenware cup using a ferrous pigment and additional decoration has been added in gold and silver. Ø67 H51mm / 160ml / 80g (ItemNo: M0369)
鉄瓶急須 金銀彩枝梅 / CI Teapot
鉄瓶急須 金銀彩枝梅 世界中で人気の高い南部鉄器の急須に、精巧な装飾を施した清水焼の蓋を組み合わせました。異なる二つの伝統工芸品を京都の遊び心でアレンジした、西川貞三郎商店だけのコラボ商品です。 鉄絵で枝梅を描き、金彩と銀彩で加飾しました。同じ柄の汲出し碗と組み合わせてもお楽しみいただけます。 *鉄瓶急須:内部はホーロー引き、ステンレス茶漉し付。!直火不可。 ※この頁に掲載している鉄瓶急須には、鉄蓋が付いています。 CI Teapot w/ E & CI Lid Plum GD&SV These Nambu cast iron teapots, popular all over the world, have been ornamented with exquisite ceramic Kiyomizu Ware lids. These pots, which combine two traditional arts in the playful spirit of Kyoto, are an exclusive collaboration of the T. Nishikawa & Co., Inc. The earthenware lid on this teapot features Plum branches painted in gold and silver. It is best appreciated when used with kumidashi teacups decorated with the same pattern. *Cast iron teapot, w/ porcelain lid and stainless strainer. Inside enameled. Do not place over direct heat. ※The cast iron teapots on this page come with both an earthen lid and a cast iron lid. W160 D155 H130mm / 510ml / 900g (ItemNo: M0133)
鉄瓶 鉄絵 菊花紋 / CI Kettle
鉄瓶 鉄絵 菊花紋 南部鉄瓶で沸かしたお湯は、カルキ(塩素)をほぼ除去しますので、水道水が魔法のようにまろやかな味にかわります。日本茶はもちろんのこと、コーヒー、紅茶などの飲み物、食べ物を美味しくするだけでなく鉄分の補給に効果的です。 南部鉄瓶に鉄釉を施した華やかな京焼・清水焼の蓋を組み合わせ、産地の異なる二つの伝統工芸品を京都の遊び心でアレンジした西川貞三郎商店だけのオリジナルコラボ商品です。 お揃いの鉄絵の茶器揃えに、鉄瓶で沸かしたまろやかなお湯を注ぎ、さらに上質なお茶のひと時をお愉しみ下さい。 CI Kettle w/E & CI Lid Tetsue Kikkamon The porous surface of this cast iron kettle absorbs minerals and impurities. Boiling tap water in a cast iron kettle removes chalk from the water and magically makes it taste mild and delicious. It also not only improves the taste of cooking and of drinks like Japanese tea, coffee and English tea, but also supplements daily iron intake. The Nanbu cast iron kettle ornamented with a splendid iron glazed Kyoto Ware / Kiyomizu Ware lid is an exclusive product of T. Nishikawa & Co., Inc., combining the two traditional arts of Japan in the playful spirit of Kyoto. Please enjoy luxurious moments drinking tea in our tea set, delicately prepared using the mellow flavor of hot water boiled in the iron kettle. W170 D145 H205mm / 800ml / 1,800g (ItemNo: M0175)
Also, as Kyoto Ware / Kiyomizu Ware is handmade, there may be slight differences between each item in color, decoration, size, volume, and weight. There are also cases in which production may take a number of days.
古都京都は五条坂。焼き物の窯や陶房が軒を連ねる界隈に西川貞三郎商店はあります。1917年創業以来、京焼・清水焼を中心とした陶器、磁器などを国内外に販売してまいりました。初代店主・西川貞三郎は 1958年のベルギー万博に出展し清水焼を紹介、また二代目計太郎は日本の優れた伝統工芸品及び雑貨をも取り扱うようになりました。
創業100年を迎えた老舗企業として、欧米はもとより、中近東、東南アジア諸国や中国、オーストラリアなど世界数十か国に京都の代表ブランド京焼・清水焼を始めとして、 茶道具華道具、 仏具、鉄製品、漆器、着物、骨董品、テーブルウェアー、ギフトアイテムなど様々な品々を輸出させて頂いております。
NISHIKAWA JAPAN:https://www.nishikawa-japan.com/
T. NISHIKAWA & Co., Inc. is located in the Gojozaka quarter, famous for its many kilns and ateliers of Kiyomizu Ware, in Kyoto, the ancient capital of Japan. Since its establishment in 1917, the company has been promoting Kiyomizu Ware and exporting it worldwide. Teizaburo Nishikawa, founder of the company, introduced Kiyomizu Ware at the Brussels World Fair in 1958. Teizaburo’s son, Keitaro, enlarged the export business and expanded it to a wide variety of traditional Japanese crafts and commodities.
Today, Kayoko, Keitaro’s daughter, has inherited the business and continues promoting the charm of the Japanese culture and Kiyomizu Ware, the representative brand of Kyoto, all over the world.
With its over 100 years of history, T. NISHIKAWA & Co., Inc. is committed to doing its utmost to promote Kiyomizu Ware and Japanese traditions. To better respond to our customers’ needs, we offer the service of developing original designs and export a variety of Japanese traditional goods: Kiyomizu Ware, tea ceremony utensils, cast iron commodities, Japanese kimono, lacquer ware, Buddhist items and antique ware, along with general gift items.
Visit our website to get more information.
T. NISHIKAWA & Co., Inc.: https://www.t-nishikawa.co.jp/en/
NISHIKAWA JAPAN: https://www.nishikawa-japan.com/en/