西川貞三郎商店の創業者と先代が海外輸出のために製造した昭和初期の焼き物や珍しい製品が、倉庫から発見されました。「陶音 tone」としてオンラインショップでも少しづづご紹介させて頂きます。
We have added the products of “TONE“.
In our warehouse, we have discovered pottery and other rare products from the early Showa period that were manufactured by the founder and predecessor of T. Nishikawa & Co., Inc. for export to foreign countries. We will introduce them in our online store as “TONE”.
We hope you will take a look at the unique Nishikawa products that have been given a new lease of life.
Our online shop is now open.
We have started carrying one-of-a-kind Kintsugi products.
The Kintsugi process creates unique objects and breathes new life into our Kyoto Ware / Kiyomizu Ware.
We plan to continue to increase the number of original products available through our online shop and we hope that you enjoy our new product line.
* We do not accept overseas shipments. For customers ordering overseas shipping, please contact shop@t-nishikawa.co.jp directly in English.
【金継】抹茶盌 紫交趾竹 / Matcha Bowl
【金継】抹茶盌 紫交趾竹 / Matcha Bowl 交趾の抹茶碗です。ヒビが生じたため、金継をほどこしています。 交趾は、粘土を絞り出して文様を描いた素地の上に、鮮やかな色釉を盛るように厚くかけたもの。立体的で重厚な絵付けは他にはない迫力があり、独特な手触りも楽しめます。紫に鮮やかな青竹が映える抹茶碗です。 Cochin Bamboo w/Gold Kintsugi Ø120 H80mm / 500ml / 220g (ItemNo: G2703) 西川貞三郎商店の金継品について 弊社の京焼・清水焼はすべて職人が手作りしています。その製造工程の中で、残念ながら割れや欠けが生じるものがどうしても発生してしまいます。通常は検品時にはねられお客様のお手元には届くことはありませんが、ひとつひとつ職人が作陶した形、描いた絵は完成品と比べても遜色はございません。職人の精魂込めた手作りの技を残すためにも、弊社のオンラインショップにて割れや欠けのある商品を未使用の金継商品として販売することにいたしました。 同じく伝統工芸である近江の漆職人の手によって、ひとつひとつ本漆と本金粉、プラチナ粉などの蒔絵で直した2つと無い景色を持つ器です。通常は使用して割れたものを修繕する技術ですが、弊社の金継品は未使用の新品です。贈答品としてもご利用いただけます。 ご理解の上、新しく生まれ変わった京焼・清水焼の金継品をぜひお手にとっていただきたく思います。 ※一点物のため、売り切れ次第販売を終了いたします。 About Kintsugi Pieces from T. Nishikawa & Co., Inc. All of our Kyoto and Kiyomizu Ware is handmade by professional craftsmen. During this production process, some pieces are inevitably broken or chipped. Normally, these works are rejected during the inspection process and never seen by our customers. However, the forms of these works and the detailed paintings that adorn them are by no means inferior to those of our whole pieces. To avoid wasting the diligent efforts our craftsmen put into handmaking each piece, we have decided to sell unused pieces that were broken or chipped in our online shop after they have been repaired through kintsugi. These kintsugi pieces are irreproducible works that have been painstakingly repaired using lacquer combined with real gold or platinum powder by the hands of the lacquer craftsmen of Ōmi, another of Japan’s traditional crafts. This process is typically applied to used pieces that have been broken, but in our case they are brand new. They also make excellent gifts. We are truly pleased to be able to offer these pieces of kintsugi Kiyomizu and Kyoto Ware and, understanding the process of rebirth and renewal they have undergone, we hope you will be as delighted with them as we are. *As these are single items, we can only offer them until they have sold. 金継品のお取り扱いについて 金継部分は天然漆のため、漆器と同じように扱いください。 使用後は柔らかいスポンジと食器用洗剤で洗い、水かぬるま湯ですすぎ、柔らかい布巾などで水気を十分に拭き取ってください。 湯や水に長時間浸けないでください。漆や蒔絵の剥がれや割れの原因になります。 強い衝撃が加わったり、硬いものが当たると漆部分が割れたり蒔絵が剥がるの原因になります。 電子レンジ・食洗機は使用しないでください。 How to Care For Kintsugi Pieces The kintsugi portion of the vessel is natural lacquer, so it should be cared for in the same way as lacquer ware. After use, wash the piece using a soft sponge and food-safe detergent. Rinse them in lukewarm or cool water and completely dry them using a soft dish cloth. Do not soak them in hot or cold water for long periods of time. This may cause the lacquer or decoration to peel or break. The lacquer may break or the decoration may peel due to strong impacts, such as being dropped or coming into contact with hard objects, so please handle them carefully. These pieces should not be placed in the microwave or dishwasher.
【金継】六寸皿 染付七宝詰プラチナ継 / Plate
【金継】六寸皿 染付七宝詰プラチナ継 染付の六寸皿です。3箇所にヒビが生じたため、3箇所ともプラチナ継(漆でヒビを繋いだ後、金ではなくプラチナ粉による蒔絵)をほどこしています。 七宝文様は円が無限に続く吉祥文様。高台の中までびっしりと書き込んだ描詰です。皿の縁は稜花(りょうか)と呼ばれる花びらの形に削り取られています。ロクロ、削ぎが施され、手描きでひとつひとつの円を描き込まれた一品です。 Plate, Sometsuke Shippō Zume w/Platinum Kintsugi A plate adorned with sometsuke, or blue and white decoration. Repairs using platinum lacquer have been applied to three cracks. This process is the same as the one used in kintsugi, except that the lacquer is decorated using platinum powder, rather than gold powder. The shippō pattern is an auspicious pattern of continuously overlapping circles. This pattern is applied in a kakizume fashion, completely covering the dish and reaching its very base. The edge of the dish is carved in a flower petal shape called ryōka. This spectacular piece was fashioned on a lathe, after which each circle was drawn one by one. Ø183 H28mm / 280g (ItemNo: G2707) 西川貞三郎商店の金継品について 弊社の京焼・清水焼はすべて職人が手作りしています。その製造工程の中で、残念ながら割れや欠けが生じるものがどうしても発生してしまいます。通常は検品時にはねられお客様のお手元には届くことはありませんが、ひとつひとつ職人が作陶した形、描いた絵は完成品と比べても遜色はございません。職人の精魂込めた手作りの技を残すためにも、弊社のオンラインショップにて割れや欠けのある商品を未使用の金継商品として販売することにいたしました。 同じく伝統工芸である近江の漆職人の手によって、ひとつひとつ本漆と本金粉、プラチナ粉などの蒔絵で直した2つと無い景色を持つ器です。通常は使用して割れたものを修繕する技術ですが、弊社の金継品は未使用の新品です。贈答品としてもご利用いただけます。 ご理解の上、新しく生まれ変わった京焼・清水焼の金継品をぜひお手にとっていただきたく思います。 ※一点物のため、売り切れ次第販売を終了いたします。 About Kintsugi Pieces from T. Nishikawa & Co., Inc. All of our Kyoto and Kiyomizu Ware is handmade by professional craftsmen. During this production process, some pieces are inevitably broken or chipped. Normally, these works are rejected during the inspection process and never seen by our customers. However, the forms of these works and the detailed paintings that adorn them are by no means inferior to those of our whole pieces. To avoid wasting the diligent efforts our craftsmen put into handmaking each piece, we have decided to sell unused pieces that were broken or chipped in our online shop after they have been repaired through kintsugi. These kintsugi pieces are irreproducible works that have been painstakingly repaired using lacquer combined with real gold or platinum powder by the hands of the lacquer craftsmen of Ōmi, another of Japan’s traditional crafts. This process is typically applied to used pieces that have been broken, but in our case they are brand new. They also make excellent gifts. We are truly pleased to be able to offer these pieces of kintsugi Kiyomizu and Kyoto Ware and, understanding the process of rebirth and renewal they have undergone, we hope you will be as delighted with them as we are. *As these are single items, we can only offer them until they have sold. 金継品のお取り扱いについて 金継部分は天然漆のため、漆器と同じように扱いください。 使用後は柔らかいスポンジと食器用洗剤で洗い、水かぬるま湯ですすぎ、柔らかい布巾などで水気を十分に拭き取ってください。 湯や水に長時間浸けないでください。漆や蒔絵の剥がれや割れの原因になります。 強い衝撃が加わったり、硬いものが当たると漆部分が割れたり蒔絵が剥がるの原因になります。 電子レンジ・食洗機は使用しないでください。 How to Care For Kintsugi Pieces The kintsugi portion of the vessel is natural lacquer, so it should be cared for in the same way as lacquer ware. After use, wash the piece using a soft sponge and food-safe detergent. Rinse them in lukewarm or cool water and completely dry them using a soft dish cloth. Do not soak them in hot or cold water for long periods of time. This may cause the lacquer or decoration to peel or break. The lacquer may break or the decoration may peel due to strong impacts, such as being dropped or coming into contact with hard objects, so please handle them carefully. These pieces should not be placed in the microwave or dishwasher.
Also, as Kyoto Ware / Kiyomizu Ware is handmade, there may be slight differences between each item in color, decoration, size, volume, and weight. There are also cases in which production may take a number of days.
古都京都は五条坂。焼き物の窯や陶房が軒を連ねる界隈に西川貞三郎商店はあります。1917年創業以来、京焼・清水焼を中心とした陶器、磁器などを国内外に販売してまいりました。初代店主・西川貞三郎は 1958年のベルギー万博に出展し清水焼を紹介、また二代目計太郎は日本の優れた伝統工芸品及び雑貨をも取り扱うようになりました。
創業100年を迎えた老舗企業として、欧米はもとより、中近東、東南アジア諸国や中国、オーストラリアなど世界数十か国に京都の代表ブランド京焼・清水焼を始めとして、 茶道具華道具、 仏具、鉄製品、漆器、着物、骨董品、テーブルウェアー、ギフトアイテムなど様々な品々を輸出させて頂いております。
NISHIKAWA JAPAN:https://www.nishikawa-japan.com/
T. NISHIKAWA & Co., Inc. is located in the Gojozaka quarter, famous for its many kilns and ateliers of Kiyomizu Ware, in Kyoto, the ancient capital of Japan. Since its establishment in 1917, the company has been promoting Kiyomizu Ware and exporting it worldwide. Teizaburo Nishikawa, founder of the company, introduced Kiyomizu Ware at the Brussels World Fair in 1958. Teizaburo’s son, Keitaro, enlarged the export business and expanded it to a wide variety of traditional Japanese crafts and commodities.
Today, Kayoko, Keitaro’s daughter, has inherited the business and continues promoting the charm of the Japanese culture and Kiyomizu Ware, the representative brand of Kyoto, all over the world.
With its over 100 years of history, T. NISHIKAWA & Co., Inc. is committed to doing its utmost to promote Kiyomizu Ware and Japanese traditions. To better respond to our customers’ needs, we offer the service of developing original designs and export a variety of Japanese traditional goods: Kiyomizu Ware, tea ceremony utensils, cast iron commodities, Japanese kimono, lacquer ware, Buddhist items and antique ware, along with general gift items.
Visit our website to get more information.
T. NISHIKAWA & Co., Inc.: https://www.t-nishikawa.co.jp/en/
NISHIKAWA JAPAN: https://www.nishikawa-japan.com/en/