¥11,000 税込
なら 手数料無料の 翌月払いでOK
宝瓶 刷毛目鉄絵彩雲錦
Hohin Teapot, Kozanji
W105 D90 H120mm / 300ml / 320g
(ItemNo: S02125)
¥11,000 税込
Also, as Kyoto Ware / Kiyomizu Ware is handmade, there may be slight differences between each item in color, decoration, size, volume, and weight. There are also cases in which production may take a number of days.
古都京都は五条坂。焼き物の窯や陶房が軒を連ねる界隈に西川貞三郎商店はあります。1917年創業以来、京焼・清水焼を中心とした陶器、磁器などを国内外に販売してまいりました。初代店主・西川貞三郎は 1958年のベルギー万博に出展し清水焼を紹介、また二代目計太郎は日本の優れた伝統工芸品及び雑貨をも取り扱うようになりました。
創業100年を迎えた老舗企業として、欧米はもとより、中近東、東南アジア諸国や中国、オーストラリアなど世界数十か国に京都の代表ブランド京焼・清水焼を始めとして、 茶道具華道具、 仏具、鉄製品、漆器、着物、骨董品、テーブルウェアー、ギフトアイテムなど様々な品々を輸出させて頂いております。
NISHIKAWA JAPAN:https://www.nishikawa-japan.com/
T. NISHIKAWA & Co., Inc. is located in the Gojozaka quarter, famous for its many kilns and ateliers of Kiyomizu Ware, in Kyoto, the ancient capital of Japan. Since its establishment in 1917, the company has been promoting Kiyomizu Ware and exporting it worldwide. Teizaburo Nishikawa, founder of the company, introduced Kiyomizu Ware at the Brussels World Fair in 1958. Teizaburo’s son, Keitaro, enlarged the export business and expanded it to a wide variety of traditional Japanese crafts and commodities.
Today, Kayoko, Keitaro’s daughter, has inherited the business and continues promoting the charm of the Japanese culture and Kiyomizu Ware, the representative brand of Kyoto, all over the world.
With its over 100 years of history, T. NISHIKAWA & Co., Inc. is committed to doing its utmost to promote Kiyomizu Ware and Japanese traditions. To better respond to our customers’ needs, we offer the service of developing original designs and export a variety of Japanese traditional goods: Kiyomizu Ware, tea ceremony utensils, cast iron commodities, Japanese kimono, lacquer ware, Buddhist items and antique ware, along with general gift items.
Visit our website to get more information.
T. NISHIKAWA & Co., Inc.: https://www.t-nishikawa.co.jp/en/
NISHIKAWA JAPAN: https://www.nishikawa-japan.com/en/